Osteoporosis 골다공증 DJD degenerative arthritis 퇴행성 관절염 cruciate ligament rupture 십자인대 파열 ACL rupture anterior cruciate ligament rupture 전방십자인대파열 PCL rupture posterior cruciate ligament rupture 후방십자인대파열 AS ankylosing spondylitis 강직성 척추염 HIVD herniated intervertebral disc 추간판 탈출증 HNP herniated nucleus pulposus kyphoplasty 경피적 척추후굴복원술 kyphosis 척추후만증 scoliosis 척추측만증 spinal stenosis 척추협착증 spondylodysis..
appendectomy 충수절제술 ileostomy 회장루술 enterocoostomy 소장결장문합술 mesopexy 장간막 고정술 enterectomy 장 절제술 celiotomy 개복술 cholecystectomy 담낭 절제술 cholecystotomy 담낭 절개술 cholecystostomy 담낭 조루술 cholecystogastrostomy 담낭 위 문합술 choledochotomy 총담관 절개술 hepatorrhaphy 간 봉합술 pancreatectomy 췌 절제술 A.A.A. abdominal aortic aneurism 복부 대동맥류 RHC right hemicolectomy 우측 반결장절제술 LHC left hemicolectomy 좌측 반결장절제술 SMA superior mesenter..
1. 심장내과 atrium방hypertrophy of theright ventricle 우심실 비대ventricle 실carditis 심장염mitral valve 승모판,이첨판endocarditis 심내막염aortic valve 대동맥판myocarditis 심근염pulmonic valve 폐동맥판pericarditis 심막염,심낭염tricuspid valve 삼첨판congestive heart failure울혈성 심부전endocardium 심내막myocardial infarction 심근경색 epicardium 심외막anginal pectoric 협심증myocardium 심근층aneurysm 동맥류pericardium 심막,심낭arrhythmia 부정맥coronary artery 관상동맥bradycard..
3. 진료관련 용어 C.C chief complaint 주호소 Ex Examine 검진 Dx dressing / Diagnosis 소독 /진단 Tx treatment 치료 Hx history 병력 HTN High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension 고혈압 DM Diabetes Mellitus 당뇨 F/Hx family history 가족력 P/Hx past history 과거력 S/Hx social history 사회력 P/E physical examination 신체검진 CNS central nervous system 중추신경계 HEENT head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat 두부/귀/눈/코/인후 MS mental status 의식상태 GCS Glasgow co..