티스토리 뷰


3. 진료관련 용어

C.C chief complaint 주호소
Ex Examine 검진
Dx dressing / Diagnosis 소독 /진단
Tx treatment 치료
Hx history 병력
HTN High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension 고혈압
DM Diabetes Mellitus 당뇨
F/Hx family history 가족력
P/Hx past history 과거력
S/Hx social history 사회력
P/E physical examination 신체검진
CNS central nervous system 중추신경계
HEENT head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat 두부////인후
MS mental status 의식상태
GCS Glasgow coma scale 의식장애의 수준단계
LOC loss of consciousness 의식상실
PLR pupillary light reflex 대광반사
F/C fever / chill 발열/오한
C/S/R cough/ sputum / rhinorrhea 기침/객담/콧물
PNS Peripheral Nervous System 말초신경계
G-I gastro-intestine 위장계
N/A/V/D/C nausea / anorexia / vomiting
diarrhea / constipation
NABS normal active bowel sounds  
Ext Extremity 사지
upper Ext / lower Ext upper extremity / lower extremity 상지/하지
Fx. fracture 골절



