3. 진료관련 용어 C.C chief complaint 주호소 Ex Examine 검진 Dx dressing / Diagnosis 소독 /진단 Tx treatment 치료 Hx history 병력 HTN High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension 고혈압 DM Diabetes Mellitus 당뇨 F/Hx family history 가족력 P/Hx past history 과거력 S/Hx social history 사회력 P/E physical examination 신체검진 CNS central nervous system 중추신경계 HEENT head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat 두부/귀/눈/코/인후 MS mental status 의식상태 GCS Glasgow co..
1. 진료과 의학용어IMInternal medicine내과CMChest medicine (Pulmonology) 호흡기내과CVCardiology심장내과GEGastroenterology소화기내과HOHemato-oncology혈액종양내과EMEndocrinology내분비대사내과RMrheumatology 류마티스내과NENephrology(NE)신장내과IDInfective medicine(ID)감염내과 GSGeneral Surgery일반외과TScardiothoracic surgery흉부외과NSNeurosurgery신경외과OSOrthopedic Surgery정형외과PSPlastic & Reconstructive Surgery성형외과OBGYObstetrics and Gynecology산부인과DRDelivery roo..